🔏Privacy policy

At FindYourTriggers, we hold an unwavering commitment to safeguarding your privacy and ensuring the secure storage of your data. The protection of your personal information stands as one of our paramount priorities throughout the development and operation of our product. This Privacy Policy serves to transparently outline our practices concerning the collection, utilization, storage, and protection of your data.

Data Collection and Usage

We collect and process your data with the sole aim of enhancing your experience with our product. Rest assured, we do not share your data with third parties unless compelled by legal requirements. Our dedication to your privacy remains steadfast.

Data Storage

To uphold the standards set by GDPR, we employ PlanetScale for data storage, ensuring that all data is securely hosted on a European server. For further details on how they process data, please refer here.

Data Processing

All data processing occurs on a European server hosted by Hetzner, aligning with GDPR regulations. Our objective is to analyse your entries to identify patterns and triggers. For additional information, please consult this link.

Data Encryption

Before any data is stored, it undergoes a robust encryption process. In the unlikely event of a database leak, the encrypted data remains unreadable, maintaining the confidentiality of your information.

SSL (Secure Sockets Layer)

We implement SSL technology to encrypt data transmitted between your device and our servers. This ensures that any information exchanged through our platform remains secure and impervious to interception by third parties.

Third-Party Services

Certain features of our platform leverage OpenAI. It is important to note that your data is anonymized before being transmitted to their services. For insights into their security practices, please review their documentation.

Updates and Changes

Committed to continuous improvement, we may update this Privacy Policy periodically to align with changes in our operations or evolving legal requirements. We encourage you to revisit this policy from time to time to stay abreast of our latest privacy practices.

Contact Us

For any questions, concerns, or data-related requests, please reach out to us at tristan@findyourtriggers.com. Your trust is paramount, and we remain dedicated to upholding the highest standards of data privacy and security. Thank you for choosing FindYourTriggers—we look forward to serving you while safeguarding your privacy.

Last updated